Bike accidents can cause you pain and disability. The injuries can range from your neck and back to a limb. These types of injuries can be caused by a collision with a driver or another cyclist. They can also be due to a lack of yielding to traffic or being distracted.
Distracted driving
A distracted driver may miss a bicycle rider or even fail to yield. This can lead to serious injuries. During a bicycle accident, a cyclist may suffer broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and even concussions.
Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic crashes and it has a high impact on bicyclists. Cyclists who are injured by a distracted driver are entitled to compensation for their damages.
Although there has been a decrease in the number of deaths caused by motor vehicles in recent years, fatalities among pedestrians have increased in the last five years. However, there has been no significant decline in the numbers of accidents that have involved a bicycle.
Failure to yield
If you have been involved in a bike accident, it is important to understand your legal options. Your injuries may be serious, and you will need to deal with insurance companies. You may be entitled to compensation for lost income, medical bills, and more. It is also important to gather contact information for witnesses and take pictures of the scene.
Typically, failure to yield accidents occur when an automobile driver fails to see a bicyclist. Depending on the situation, the automobile driver may try to pass the cyclist or may turn in front of the cyclist. The motorist may also fail to see the biker because of poor visibility.
Collisions with fellow cyclists or pedestrians
Cycling is a popular form of exercise, but collisions with other cyclists or pedestrians can result in serious injuries. The study of near accidents can provide useful information about pedestrian and cyclist safety.
There are many different types of bicycle and pedestrian accidents. They can be fatal, but the overall crash rate for cyclists is lower than that of vehicles. In 2009, an estimated 51,000 people were injured in bike-motor vehicle traffic crashes.
Cyclists have an equal obligation to pedestrians to act in a safe manner. As a result, both parties can be held liable for negligent driving. However, the person at fault may not always be willing to accept responsibility.
Injuries to the neck and back
A bike accident can leave you in a lot of pain. While there are many factors that go into how long you will be in pain, one of the most important is getting the right treatment for your injuries.
The most common neck and back injury is a whiplash. Whiplash is when your neck is whipped from side to side, causing your muscles to stretch and become weakened. It can also affect your spinal cord, which can cause serious pain, weakness, and paralysis.
In fact, there is a good chance that you’ll have symptoms for weeks after the incident. However, the best thing you can do is see a doctor as soon as possible to minimize your pain.
Pain and disability
If you have ridden a bike and been in an accident you have likely been hurt. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned rider, you may have suffered a spinal cord injury, a traumatic brain injury, or even worse. These injuries can be life changing if not life threatening. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of further injury. For starters, you need to know your rights as a cyclist. In addition, you should make sure you get the proper medical care. Afterward, it is a good idea to take notes of the details of your injury.
Loss of limb
Loss of limb in bike accident is one of the most devastating injuries a person can suffer. It can be a life-changing event that requires extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
Amputation can be caused by trauma or disease. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to seek legal help if you’ve suffered a loss of a limb. You may be entitled to compensation from the party who caused the accident.
Some amputation victims have no idea that they’ve lost a limb until they begin experiencing symptoms. They may experience severe pain in their stump and struggle to perform basic daily activities. The injury can also leave them psychologically scarred.